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All you need to know about UAE POAs

Power of Attorney is a legal document which is used to give certain powers to a person(s) of your choice to act on your behalf. A Power of Attorney or a POA can be used in several scenarios where you’re unable to act by yourself. It could be that you’re out of the country or requiring medical emergency, whatever the situation may be, you can rest assured that your designated agent is taking care of things on your behalf using a POA.

POA Central is your one stop shop for all your POA requirements. We make the process easy and swift so that your purpose for making the POA does not get delayed. We provide an end-to-end service (drafting, translation and notarization) on all POAs. Here’s a snapshot of the process of making a POA with POA Central:

Choose & Order: You can browse our website, choose the appropriate service, and place an order for a POA on our website.

Draft & Review: Once an order is placed, one of our highly skilled associate shall contact you to receive all the relevant documentation and provide you with a draft within eight (8) working hours. You can then review and make limited/ unlimited amendments based on the package that you have opted for. Once the draft is finalized, it gets translated to Arabic as a precursor for notarization.

Notarize & Receive: The Arabic translated POA now gets notarized either via in-person notarization or through an online signing process known as e-Notarization. Once the notarization is complete, you’ll receive the POA which is ready to use there and then.

Very minimal documentation is required to make a POA in the UAE. You shall be asked for a scanned copy of the passport (mandatory) and Emirates ID (if available) of yourself and the person who you wish to give the powers to under the POA.

Depending on the type of POA you opt for, there might be extra documents that may be asked. For example, a title deed is asked for a Property POA. In case of a Vehicle POA, a Mulkia Card (Vehicle Registration Card) is requested as well.

Although Emirates ID is known as the base document for identification inside the UAE, you can infact make a Power of Attorney without an Emirates ID if you are a non-resident. However, your passport is mandatory.

No you do not need to be a resident in the UAE to make a Power of Attorney. Non-residents can make a POA in the UAE.

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be physically present in the UAE to make a POA. With our POA Prime package, you get an end-to-end service while sitting at the comfort of your home. All you need would be a stable internet connection to attend the video call with Notary Public at the final step.

Our process as explained above is three fold. As soon as we receive your order, we ensure that the initial draft is sent within eight (8) working hours or less. Once the draft is finalized, it is translated to Arabic and is either sent to you via courier for you to notarize it in person (if you’re here in the UAE). If you opt for e-Notarization in our POA Prime package, we ensure that the online notarization happens within 2 working days. Combining all of those factors, you can get a POA remotely done within 2-3 working days.

e-Notarization is the process of signing the POA on a video call with the Notary Public. It is a convenient and authentic platform where your identity is verified through a Zoom video call with the Notary Public who obtains your consent for the terms mentioned in the POA.

Here are some of the basic legal terms used in a Power of Attorney:

(i) Principal/ Signatory: The person who is giving the powers under a POA

(ii) Agent/ Attorney: The person who is receiving the powers under a POA

By default, there is no validity clause in a Dubai POA. However, we can include such a clause upon your specific request.

For an Abu Dhabi POA, the maximum duration is three (3) years.

No, you can give powers under a POA to multiple agents/ attorneys. Depending upon your circumstances, you may need to provide powers to more than one agent/ attorney.

Anyone who is above the age of 21 years (age of majority) and is of sound mind and memory can be an agent/ attorney under POA. You need to ensure that the person who you’re giving the POA to is someone you can absolutely trust.

You can only make a POA if you’re of 21 years (age of majority) and above.

If the actions do not exceed the scope of powers that you have given under the POA, then yes, you can be held legally accountable for the actions of your agent/ attorney under the POA. However, anything over and above that would not come under your personal liability.

As the Power of Attorney has to be notarized through a Notary Public in the UAE, it has to be translated to Arabic as they do not accept English drafts.

Apart from changes in the format of the draft and the terms, the notarization of the POA in Abu Dhabi is solely an online process through the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department (ADJD).

A Special POA is a type of power of attorney wherein you give specific powers to cover specific circumstances. For example, a Vehicle POA to manage the affairs of sale of a vehicle can be termed as a Special POA.

A General POA on the other hand contains blanket provisions and usually covers a whole host of general powers to be given to your agent.

Once notarized, you cannot amend the POA, however, you can revoke it and make a new one.

You can definitely revoke a POA once it is notarized. There may be a number of circumstances where you just do not wish to proceed further with the existing POA. Revocation of a POA is a process which POA Central can help you with.

Yes, through the rightful authorized signatory of the Company, a POA can be given by a Company or a “Legal Person”.

Have more queries about Power of attorney?

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