Month: July 2024

Difference Between Wills in Dubai and Abu Dhabi

Difference Between Wills in Dubai and Abu Dhabi

Creating a will is a crucial step in estate planning, especially for expatriates living in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). However, the legal landscape for wills can vary significantly between emirates, particularly when comparing Dubai and Abu Dhabi. This blog highlights the comparison of wills in Dubai and Abu Dhabi,…
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Muslim Wills UAE

Muslim Wills UAE: A guide to securing your legacy

In the United Arab Emirates, creating a will is an important step to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your passing. For Muslims living in the UAE, crafting a will that adheres to both Sharia law and local regulations is a crucial step in ensuring…
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Revoke will Dubai

How to revoke or amend a will in Dubai

In the city of Dubai, life moves quickly and circumstances can change in the blink of an eye. These changes might necessitate updates to your will, ensuring your final wishes are accurately reflected.  Life is unpredictable, and various situations may arise that require modifications to your will. Perhaps you’ve welcomed…
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differences between Dubai Courts and DIFC Wills

Differences between Dubai Courts and DIFC Wills

Dubai Courts vs DIFC Wills In the city of Dubai, where traditions meet modernity, estate planning takes on a unique complexity. For residents and investors, understanding the variations of will creation is crucial for ensuring your legacy is protected and your wishes are honored. This blog aims to shed light…
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Common Mistakes to Avoid When Drafting a Will in Dubai

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Drafting a Will in Dubai

For both expatriates and locals, a will serves as a crucial document that ensures your legacy is preserved and your loved ones are protected. However, the unique legal landscape of Dubai, with its blend of civil law and Sharia principles, can make will drafting a complex process. This blog aims…
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misconceptions about wills in Dubai

Misconceptions about wills in Dubai and the truth

In the dynamic city of Dubai, where expatriates and locals build their careers and lives, the importance of having a well-prepared will cannot be overlooked. Yet, misconceptions about wills in Dubai exist, often leading to procrastination or mistakes in estate planning.  From the belief that wills are only for the…
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Safeguarding Your Legacy: A Guide to UAE Wills for Expats

Safeguarding Your Legacy: A Guide to UAE Wills for Expats

As an expatriate in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), dealing with the complex landscape of local laws and regulations can be challenging. Making a will is one important step in estate planning that is frequently disregarded. This mistake could have severe consequences for your assets and your loved ones. In…
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