Understanding Power Of Attorney In Dubai: General Power Of Attorney Vs Special Power Of Attorney

General Power Of Attorney Vs Special Power Of Attorney

Understanding Power Of Attorney In Dubai: General Power Of Attorney Vs Special Power Of Attorney

Power of Attorney (POA) is an important legal instrument in Dubai that allows an individual to delegate authority to another person to act on their behalf. Dubai’s complex legal landscape and diverse business environment make it necessary to know the differences between General Power of Attorney (GPOA) and Special Power of Attorney (SPOA). Knowing this helps us to make informed decisions about delegating authority, ensuring their interests are protected while complying with local laws. This blog explains the key differences between General and Special Power of Attorney in Dubai, helping you understand which type best suits your needs.

General Power of Attorney (GPOA)

A General Power of Attorney grants broad authority to the agent, allowing them to handle a wide range of legal and financial matters on behalf of the principal. This comprehensive delegation of power includes managing bank accounts and investments, buying, selling, or leasing property, handling business transactions and filing taxes, and dealing with government agencies. GPOA is often used when the principal is unable to manage their affairs due to illness, travel, or other circumstances that require long-term assistance.


Special Power of Attorney (SPOA)

In contrast, a Special Power of Attorney, also known as a Limited Power of Attorney, grants the agent authority to perform specific tasks or make decisions in clearly defined areas. That includes selling a particular property representing the principal in a specific legal case or managing a specific bank account or investment. SPOA is preferred when the principal wants to limit the agent’s authority to a specific transaction or set of transactions.

Key differences: General power of attorney vs special power of attorney

Difference  GPOA SPOA
Scope of Authority Broad and comprehensive Limited to specific tasks or transactions
Flexibility in decision-making Allows the agent more discretion in making decisions Restricts the agent to act only within the specified parameters
Duration  Often long-term or indefinite Usually short-term or for a specific period
Risk level Higher risk due to broader powers granted Lower risk as authority is limited to specific actions
Complexity  More complex to draft and execute Generally more straightforward


Choosing between GPOA and SPOA

When deciding between a General Power of Attorney and a Special Power of Attorney in Dubai, consider the following:

  • Nature of transactions: If you need someone to handle multiple aspects of your affairs, a GPOA might be more suitable. For a single transaction, SPOA is often preferred.
  • Trust level: GPOA requires a high level of trust in the agent due to its broad scope.
  • Duration of need: For long-term assistance, GPOA is more practical. For short-term or one-time needs, SPOA is typically sufficient.
  • Personal circumstances: Consider your health, travel plans, and other factors that may influence your ability to manage your affairs.
  • Legal advice: Consult with a legal professional in Dubai to understand the implications of each type of POA in your specific situation.

Steps to grant GPOA or SPOA in Dubai

  1. Decide on the type of POA needed (GPOA or SPOA)
  2. Draft the POA document, clearly stating the powers granted
  3. Have the document notarized by a Dubai Court Notary Public
  4. If needed, have the document attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MOFAIC)
  5. Translate the document into Arabic if required



Understanding the difference between General Power of Attorney and Special Power of Attorney is important when delegating authority in Dubai. While a GPOA offers broad powers and flexibility, an SPOA provides a more controlled and limited delegation of authority. Your choice should depend on your specific needs, the level of trust in your agent, and the complexity of the tasks involved. Always seek legal advice to ensure you make the best decision for your circumstances.


Frequently Asked Questions


1. Can I have both a GPOA and SPOA simultaneously?

Yes, you can have multiple POAs for different purposes.

2. How long does a POA last in Dubai?

The duration can be specified in the document. GPOAs often last until revoked or upon the principal’s incapacitation, while SPOAs typically have a set timeframe.

3. Can I revoke a POA?

Yes, both GPOAs and SPOAs can be revoked by the principal at any time, provided they are mentally competent.

4. Do I need to register my POA with any authority in Dubai?

While registration is not always mandatory, it’s advisable to notarize the POA at the Dubai Courts for legal recognition.

5. Can a non-resident be granted POA in Dubai?

Yes, but additional steps may be required, such as document attestation in the agent’s home country.

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