Understanding Power of Attorney in the UAE: Durable vs. Non-Durable

difference between durable and non-durable Power of Attorney in the UAE

Understanding Power of Attorney in the UAE: Durable vs. Non-Durable

In the UAE, understanding the different types of Power of Attorney (PoA) is essential for managing your legal and financial affairs effectively. Two primary types of PoA are widely recognized: durable Power of Attorney UAE and non-durable Power of Attorney UAE. This blog will discuss these types, their differences, and how to choose the right one for your needs.

What is a Power of Attorney?

A Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows an individual (the principal) to appoint another person (the agent or attorney-in-fact) to act on their behalf in various legal or financial matters. This can be particularly important in situations where the principal is unavailable or unable to make decisions. In the UAE, a PoA is a critical tool for managing assets, handling transactions, or making healthcare decisions.

Durable Power of Attorney UAE

A durable Power of Attorney UAE is designed to remain in effect even if the principal becomes incapacitated. This means that if you are unable to make decisions due to a medical condition or any other reason, your appointed agent can continue to act on your behalf. The durable nature of this PoA offers continuity and flexibility, making it ideal for long-term planning.

  • Key characteristics: The Durable Power of Attorney UAE remains in force until the principal’s death or until it is revoked.
  • Legal framework: It is governed by UAE law, ensuring the agent can act even if the principal cannot.
  • Examples of use: Managing real estate, overseeing financial investments, or making healthcare decisions.

Non-durable Power of Attorney UAE

In contrast, a non-durable Power of Attorney UAE is typically used for specific, time-bound purposes and automatically terminates if the principal becomes incapacitated. This type of PoA is suitable for short-term tasks where the principal’s oversight is still required.

  • Key characteristics: The non-durable Power of Attorney UAE ceases to be effective if the principal becomes unable to make decisions.
  • Legal framework: It is governed by UAE law but is limited to specific transactions or activities.
  • Examples of use: Completing a real estate sale, signing contracts, or managing business affairs for a short period.

Key differences between durable and non-durable Power of Attorney in UAE

Understanding the difference between durable and non-durable Power of Attorney in the UAE is crucial when deciding which type suits your needs.

  • Duration of authority: A Durable Power of Attorney in UAE remains effective even if the principal is incapacitated, while a non-durable Power of Attorney in UAE does not.
  • Usage scenarios: The durable PoA is ideal for long-term situations, while the non-durable PoA is best for short-term or specific tasks.
  • Legal implications: The durability of the PoA affects the scope of the agent’s authority, especially in cases of the principal’s incapacity.


Aspect Durable POA Non Durable POA
Key characteristics remains in force until the principal’s death or until it is revoked. effective if the principal becomes unable to make decisions.
Legal framework It is governed by UAE law, ensuring the agent can act even if the principal cannot. It is governed by UAE law but is limited to specific transactions or activities.
Duration of authority remains effective even if the principal is incapacitated Ineffective if the principal is incapacitated
Usage scenarios Long term scenarios Short term scenarios
Examples of use Managing real estate, overseeing financial investments, or making healthcare decisions. Completing a real estate sale, signing contracts, or managing business affairs for a short period.


Choosing the right type of Power of Attorney

When deciding between a Durable Power of Attorney UAE and a non-durable Power of Attorney UAE, consider the following questions:

  • Purpose: What is the primary purpose of the PoA? Is it for long-term management or a specific transaction?
  • Duration: How long do you need the PoA to remain in effect?
  • Legal advice: Consulting with legal professionals in the UAE can help you make an informed decision and ensure that your PoA meets your needs and complies with local laws.

Steps to Draft a Durable or Non-Durable Power of Attorney

Creating a durable Power of Attorney or a non-durable Power of Attorney involves several key steps to ensure that the document is legally sound and serves your intended purpose. Below are the general steps:

  1. Determine the type of Power of Attorney: Decide whether you need a Durable PoA that remains in effect if you become incapacitated or a Non-Durable PoA for short-term, specific transactions.
  2. Select a trustworthy agent: Choose an individual who is reliable and responsible, as they will have the legal authority to act on your behalf. This could include handling finances, real estate, or personal matters, depending on the scope of the PoA.
  3. Define the powers and scope: Be clear about the extent of authority you are granting the agent. Whether for managing real estate, business operations, or personal decisions, the scope of their powers should be documented in detail to avoid confusion.
  4. Consult with a lawyer: While it’s possible to draft a PoA yourself, it’s highly advisable to consult a legal professional to ensure all elements comply with UAE law and protect your interests.
  5. Notarize the document: Once drafted, the PoA must be notarized by a UAE notary public to be legally valid. This process includes signing the document in front of the notary to confirm your consent.
  6. Register with relevant authorities: For certain matters, like property transactions or financial dealings, you may need to register the PoA with the appropriate UAE authorities, such as the Dubai Land Department or banks.

Legal requirements in the UAE

In the UAE, specific legal formalities must be followed for a Power of Attorney (PoA) to be recognized as valid. First, the PoA must be drafted in Arabic or accompanied by a certified Arabic translation if written in another language. The principal must then sign the document in the presence of a UAE notary public, ensuring that the signature is witnessed and verified for authenticity. In certain cases, such as property or financial transactions, the PoA may need to be registered with relevant authorities like the Dubai Land Department or financial institutions. Failing to meet these legal requirements can render the PoA invalid, making it crucial to adhere to the UAE’s specific legal procedures.

Importance of proper documentation and legal advice

Proper documentation is critical in drafting a Power of Attorney, as it ensures that the agent’s powers are clearly defined and legally enforceable. Vague or incomplete documentation can lead to misunderstandings or misuse of authority, which could negatively impact the principal’s affairs. By documenting the scope of the agent’s responsibilities and ensuring that all legal formalities are met, you significantly reduce the risk of disputes or challenges. Seeking legal advice further ensures compliance with UAE laws, protecting your interests and giving you peace of mind that your affairs will be managed as intended.


Whether you’re considering a durable Power of Attorney or a non-durable Power of Attorney in UAE, understanding the key differences and implications is essential. By carefully selecting the type of PoA that suits your needs, you can ensure that your legal and financial affairs are managed effectively, even in unforeseen circumstances.

Frequently asked questions:


1. Can I revoke a Durable Power of Attorney in the UAE?

Yes, a Durable Power of Attorney can be revoked at any time by the principal as long as they are mentally competent. This revocation must be done in writing and according to the legal procedures in the UAE.

2. When should I use a Non-Durable Power of Attorney?

A Non-Durable Power of Attorney UAE is best used for specific, short-term tasks, such as completing a single transaction or handling business matters while you are temporarily unavailable.

3. Is a Power of Attorney recognized in all Emirates within the UAE?

Yes, a Power of Attorney drafted according to UAE law is recognized across all Emirates. However, certain transactions may require additional steps, such as notarization or attestation.

4. How do I choose the right agent for my Power of Attorney?

When selecting an agent, choose someone you trust completely, as they will have significant authority over your affairs. It’s important to discuss your expectations and ensure they understand their responsibilities.

5. What happens if I do not have a Durable Power of Attorney and become incapacitated?

Without a Durable Power of Attorney in UAE, your family may need to go through a legal process to obtain guardianship or the authority to manage your affairs, which can be time-consuming and stressful.


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