Updating Your Will: When and Why It’s Necessary?

When to update your will

Updating Your Will: When and Why It’s Necessary?

We all know that having a will is important. It’s our way of making sure our final wishes are respected and our loved ones are taken care of after we’re gone. But what many people don’t realize is that creating a will isn’t a one-and-done deal. As our lives change, so should our wills. But the question of when to update your will arises. This blog discusses why updating your will matters, and the benefits of updating your will.

The benefits of updating will

Imagine your will is a snapshot of your life at a particular moment. Life does not stand still like the will and a lot of changes happen. These life changes might contradict the statements in your will. This is why you need to review and update your will regularly. Keeping your will up-to-date ensures that it accurately reflects your current wishes, not the desires of your past self.

Regular updates help you avoid the legal complications that can arise from outdated information, potentially saving your loved ones from unnecessary stress and conflict during an already difficult time. By updating your will, you’re reinforcing the protective shield around your beneficiaries and assets, making sure your legacy is distributed exactly as you intend. The legal landscape is also in constant flux, with new laws and regulations that could impact how your estate is handled. Staying ahead of these changes and adjusting your will accordingly is crucial to ensuring its effectiveness.

When to update your will in UAE?

Now that it is advised to update your will regularly, the next question that might arise is when to update your will in UAE. Here are some key life events that should set off your “update will” alarm:

  • Getting married or divorced are huge life changes that call for a will update. When you’re getting married, you’d want to include your spouse in your will and if you’re going through a divorce, you’ll probably want to rethink who gets what.
  • Having a baby or adopting a child is a joy – and a reason to update your will. You’ll want to name guardians for your little ones and make sure they’re included in your inheritance plans.
  • Losing someone close to you, especially if they were named in your will as a beneficiary or executor, means it’s time for an update. You might need to choose a new executor or rethink how you want to distribute your assets.
  • Big changes in your financial situation, like buying a house, starting a business, or receiving an inheritance, are good reasons to revisit your will. You want to make sure all your assets are accounted for and distributed according to your wishes.
  • If you move to a different state or country, it’s smart to review your will. Laws can vary from place to place, and you want to make sure your will is valid wherever you call home.
  • Sometimes, relationships change. Maybe you’ve grown closer to a charity you’d like to support, or you’ve had a falling out with a family member. Your will should reflect these changes in your relationships and priorities.

Navigating the legal system and financial wisdom in will updates

When updating your will, you must consider both legal and financial implications. Every city has its own rules governing wills, and these can change over time. For instance, in the UAE, non-Muslim expats now have more flexibility in how they distribute their assets. However, for Muslim residents, Sharia law still plays a significant role in inheritance matters. 

On the financial side, consider how changes in your assets, or overall financial situation might impact your will. These changes should be reflected in your updated will to ensure your estate is distributed as you intend. Additionally, be aware of potential tax implications, especially if you have assets in multiple countries. Consulting with both legal and financial professionals can help you navigate these complex waters, ensuring your will is both legally sound and financially suitable.

How do I update my will?

Firstly go through your will and note down the changes you want to make in it. These changes can be minor or major ones. If there are many changes, it is best to draft a new will. You can get the advice of a legal professional to ensure the work is done correctly. Make sure you gather all the necessary relevant documents like title deeds, in the case of a property for example, and bank statements. We at POA Central, help you with smooth updation of your will. Sit back and relax while we prepare your will, in the best suitable way.

Common mistakes to avoid while updating your Wills

When updating your will, there are several common mistakes to avoid. First, don’t assume that simply writing your changes on your existing will is sufficient—this can invalidate the entire document. Similarly, don’t create a new will without explicitly revoking all previous versions, as this can lead to confusion and potential legal battles. Be cautious about being too specific with asset designations. For example, leaving “my car” to someone might cause problems if you’ve changed vehicles since writing the will. Instead, consider more general terms like “my primary vehicle at the time of my death.” Don’t forget to review and update beneficiary designations on assets like life insurance policies and retirement accounts, as these typically override what’s in your will. Avoid the temptation to do it yourself if your situation is complex—the money saved upfront could cost your beneficiaries dearly later. Lastly, don’t procrastinate on making updates. Life can be unpredictable, and it’s best to ensure your will always reflects your current wishes.



Updating your will is not a legal obligation but is a sign that you care for your loved ones by making sure the will fulfills your wishes in the present moment. By doing this, you’re providing clarity and avoiding conflicts and legal battles among the beneficiaries when they would already be going through a really hard time. And lastly, remember that your will is the final expression of your wishes and leaves a lasting message to your loved ones.


Frequently asked questions


1. Why is it important to have an up-to-date will?

An up-to-date will ensures your current wishes are respected, your assets are distributed as you intend, and your loved ones are protected according to your latest life circumstances. It helps avoid legal complications and potential family disputes.

2. When should my will be updated?

You should update your will after major life events such as marriage, divorce, having or adpoting children, significant changes in your assets, moving to a different state or country, or the death of a named beneficiary or executor. It’s also a good idea to review your will every 3-5 years to ensure it still reflects your wishes.

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